Happening Today:
Fellowship Hall following the 10a worship service. Life Together invites the congregation to bring a savory (quiche) or dessert pie to share. All homemade or purchased pies are welcome. Please come and enjoy each other’s company.
Lifelong Formation is looking for candy donations for an Easter event on April 9th. A bin for candy donations is located in the Narthex and will be there through the month of March.
Future News:
Sunday, March 26-Please join us for the second installment of the Ruined Readers book club, sponsored by JVC Northwest and hosted by Corrie Callaghan. This quarter’s book selection is Rest is Resistance, by Tricia Hersey. We will meet downstairs to discuss the book after worship. Please RSVP HERE if you would like to attend.
Sign up to bring a dish for the Easter Breakfast on April 9th
The bulletin for this week may be found by looking under "downloads" at the bottom of this post.
This morning's worship
(Due to recent changes in how our streaming service and social media communicate we can no longer provide a direct link to an upcoming YouTube event. Our livestream will still appear on YouTube, but you will need to navigate to our channel and select the livestream. If you subscribe to our YouTube channel (youtube.com/clcathens) you will be automatically notified whenever a new livestream begins.)
The best place to watch ANY event we are broadcasting live is directly on our website: clcathens.org/live. If you don’t hear audio, make sure that it is not muted. Sign into the chat and participate with others who are watching.
If you miss the livestream or want to watch something again, you can find the video on our YouTube channel: youtube.com/clcathens. Livestreams will also appear on our Facebook page (facebook.com/clcathens) and twitter feed (@clcathens).
Time with Children-will be graciously provided by the puppets (aka Nick Claussen) this week. Look for it during the 10am worship service.
Children's Church-Children, grades 3 and under are invited to Children’s Church. Children’s Church is offered during the 10am service immediately following the Children’s Message and will return to Worship prior to Communion. Today's teacher-Lucy Crawford
Patricia Cambridge has a new improvisation for us this week. Please check it out on her personal YouTube Channel.
Mask Policy for in-person worship: Council is continuing our policy of worship being mask optional. Please note, with sickness going around, masks are encouraged.
Thank you for joining our worship today. Please know that your financial support for the ministry of Christ Lutheran is greatly appreciated. Consider giving in one of the following ways: