The Bridge – Spring 2025, Week 10

Wednesdays in Lent

Come Wednesday at 7pm for a short weekly Lenten worship opportunity.  This week we will be reflecting on the stations of the cross.

Thursday. Together. 

(Thursday 5:30-7 downstairs at the church.  Enter through the back doors facing Seigfred Hall.)

This week’s dinner will be a taco bar.

This week’s activity is PowerPoint Night!

Come for food and community!

Sunday Worship

Some Christians imagine either themselves or other people to be no more than barren trees that might as well be uprooted and discarded. Come to worship this Sunday, and hear what the gardener says about barren trees.


Got Questions?

Need added to the GroupMe? Email me at Hope to see you soon!



Don’t forget… Pastor Chad is always happy to treat for coffee or lunch, or just to meet for a chat about what is on your mind. You can schedule a meeting here.


+Pr. Chad and Kiersten and Libby the dog!