Future News:
3/19-Fellowship Hall following the 10a worship service. The congregational is invited to bring a savory (quiche)or dessert pie to share. All homemade or purchased pies are welcome. Please come and enjoy each other’s company.
3/25: An hour for the Earth: Earth Hour, an initiative of the World Wildlife Fund, is a global action that encourages people to take one hour to turn all of their lights off and reflect on something they can do to heal and nurture the planet. The action takes place every year on the last Saturday of March from 8:30 - 9:30 pm (your local time) and has been observed by over 35 countries and 400 cities around the world. This year's hour takes place on March 25. The focus of the hour is not on reducing greenhouse gasses or saving electricity, but to serve as a moment of peace and beauty in which to contemplate our efforts to live harmoniously on the earth, and kindle positive intentions for the future.
3/26-Please join us for the second installment of the Ruined Readers book club, sponsored by JVC Northwest and hosted by Corrie Callaghan. This quarter’s book selection is Rest is Resistance, by Tricia Hersey. We will meet downstairs to discuss the book after worship on Sunday, March 26. Please RSVP HERE if you would like to attend.
to reserve space for group meetings call the office at 740-593-3144 or email info@clcathens.org*
Check out our CLC Monthly Calendar to see future dates and times
What's Happening at CLC this week:
Lifelong Formation is collecting candy during the month of March for an Easter Event. Look for the bin in the narthex!
Now taking 2023 Easter Plant/Flower Orders. Forms can be found in the Narthex. Plants/Flowers are $9 each.
Monday, March 13th- Office Closed (closed on Mondays)
6p AA - Fellowship Hall
Tuesday, March 14th- Office Open 9a-1p
6p Overeaters Anonymous-ZOOM
Wednesday, March 15th- Office Open 9a-1p
5:30p The Bridge-not meeting-Spring Break!
7p Lenton Service-Sanctuary or via livestream
Thursday, March 16th-Office Open 9a-1p
7p Social Ministry-Launch Zoom
Friday, March 17th Office Open 9a-1p
Saturday, March 18th-Office closed
10a Overeaters Anonymous - Fellowship Hall
Sunday, March 19th
10a Worship -Sanctuary
10:15a Children's Church-downstairs following the Children's Moment with Lucy Crawford. The children will return upstairs prior to Communion.
11a Pi Day-Bring a dish to share-Fellowship Hall