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What's Happening at CLC this week:  Holy Week and Easter


 Monday, March 25th    

5:00pm – AA (Fellowship Hall)

6:00pm – OA (Student House)

6:30pm – Walking Group (Meet in front of church)

Tuesday, March 26th

Wednesday, March 27th   

5:30pm – Property Committee (Office)

Thursday, March 28th – Maundy Thursday  
7:00pm – Worship (Sanctuary)

*There will not be Coffee and Conversation with Pastor Chad at Donkey Coffee.

Friday, March 29th – Good Friday 

12:15pm – Community of Athens Ecumenical Good Friday Service (Church of the Good 

Shepherd Episcopal Church)

7:00 pm – Worship (Sanctuary)  

Saturday, March 30th  Easter Vigil

Sunday, March 31st  Easter Sunday

8:45am – Easter morning breakfast Fellowship Hall)

10:00am – Worship (Sanctuary)



FYI and Upcoming Events:

There will be a special congregational meeting for April 7th, 2024. The meeting will take place after the morning worship service (11 AM). The purpose of the meeting is to approve funds to reconstruct the wall in the memory garden which is in danger of collapsing into the windows on that side of the fellowship hall.

Need to reserve space for groups/meetings? Email the office at  
Need to make an appointment with Pastor Chad? 
Use this LINK