Thank you to all who purchased Poinsettias to decorate the church for Christmas.
It was a beautiful display.
George Weckman
Betsy Winsley
Jeanne and Luther Haseley in memory of Art Ruth
Sue Righi in memory of Tony & Jane Righi
Jane Unger in memory of Richard Swanson, Barry Unger, Rev. Henry Millhorn
Richard Brackin in memory of Valda Hotzapfel
Peter Jung and Karen Petersohn-Jung in memory of Jeffery Petersohn
Mary Kay Kerber in memory of Karl Runser
David Fosselman in memory of Julie F. Roccograndi, Grandparents/loved ones lost
Marilyn Shealy in memory of Mary and Freemon Hanes (Parents)
David Fosselman in honor of Youth/Families of the church
Linda and Rod Sauer in honor of Betty Blackford
Stephen and Karen Chikosky in honor of Lily and Audrey Morar
Connie Davidson in honor of Ethel Evans Jaenicke