Celebrate Pi Day! 

"Early on Fat Sunday. 
It is the irrational thing to do!"

Sunday, March 2, 2025 

Join us after 10 am Worship for a Pie potluck.

Ash Wednesday 

March 5 @ 7pm

There will also be drive through ashes from 
12-1pm behind the church in the parking lot.

Wednesday evening prayer will begin the following week in the Sanctuary at 6pm.


Dear CLC Members and Friends,

You may have heard the announcements in Church about the creation of a Building Committee to look at facility needs of CLC, and to consider an addition to the Church building to replace the space provided by Church House.  The Church House is in very poor condition after being flooded and would cost far more to renovate than it is worth.

Now it is time for you to weigh in!  Please follow the link below to complete a brief survey.  It will help us understand the congregation's priorities.   The estimated time to complete it is just 3 minutes!    If you have trouble completing it please let us know and we will get you a paper copy to complete.

To be sure your ideas are included, please complete the survey no later than Sunday March 7, 2025.

Thank you!

John Molinaro, Chairperson, CLC Building Committee

 Building Committee Survey 


Have you heard?  Christ Lutheran Church is about to turn 70 years old!  Pastor Chad along with a few of us have been starting to make plans.  Council and the committees are finding ways to celebrate where we’ve been and where we want to go. And now it’s your turn.  What would you like to see in this year-long celebration.  We’ll start on Pentecost 2025 with the big weekend on Pentecost 2026.

Do you have an idea for a fun activity?  If you’re kind of new here, what would you like to know?  Can you volunteer to help with collecting memories from the older members?  Do you like to write and could help write our history?  We’ll be going through lots of old pictures to make slide shows for throughout the year.  Is that something you’d enjoy doing?  Use your imagination.  Are there people from the past that you think we should invite?  I want this to be a fun (and educational) year for everyone.

You can fill out the Survey on the left now, or on Sunday sign up on the form in the back of church.


Altar Guild

Dear Friends,
The Worship and Arts committee has decided that it would be a good idea to have an altar guild – a group of people responsible for preparing communion, setting up the altar, changing the paraments as the church seasons change, making sure the candles are filled with oil and letting the office know when we are almost out of bread of wine. The ushers have nostly been doing this, but it really isn’t an usher’s job.
I’m hoping that some of you, who want to volunteer, but would rather have a more behind the scenes role than being a lector or doing the time with the children, might find this a good way to serve our church.
Never done this before? Full training will be provided along with someone who is experienced to help you the first few times if you’d like. I’m hoping to get enough volunteers so that you would only be on the schedule once every 2 or 3 months.
Just email me or talk to me at church if you have any questions.
Jane Unger


Actors Guild

 we are looking for volunteers to participate in some dramatizations happening during a few of the lenten Wednesday evening prayer. If you are interested please let Pastor Chad know. 


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Chi Rho March 2025

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