Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Ash Wednesday

7pm @ Christ Lutheran Church

Drive-Up Ashes will be from 12-1:00pm

Hypocrites in Good Company

Critics of Christianity often point out that Christians are hypocrites. Christians publicly espouse a certain set of rules for living—including care for creation, serving God and neighbors in need, and loving our enemies—and, just as publicly, fail to live up to those rules every day and in every way.

Pastor Tony Campolo often tells the story of people who say they don’t want to go to church because of all the hypocrites. He reassures them that they should feel right at home. Church is for real people, and real people fail to do and say the right things—real people are hypocrites. Campolo argues that the Christian ideal is to know you’re a hypocrite and earnestly work at being less hypocritical.

All the same, we don’t want to be hypocrites or show-offs. We question the motives behind our public and private spiritual practices; we question our neighbors’ motives too. In today’s gospel we hear about fasting cheerfully and praying in secret. And yet, as we leave the church building we bear a public and very noticeable sign of faith right on our foreheads. Lent begins with a bold, visible, unmistakable reminder of who we are: simultaneously mortal dust and baptized children of God. Simultaneously saint and sinner. Simultaneously hypocrites and earnest, hopeful Christians.

 Worship Bulletin PDF 


The Southern Ohio Synod Authentic Diversity, Inclusion, and Justice Team (ADIJ) has prepared a resource to be used in congregations and ministries this Lent, to help us expand our ability to have hard conversations with one another that are rooted deep within our faith. Click on the button below to view the reflection for Ash Wednesday.


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 Christ Lutheran Church
Attn Wanda Wienberg
69 Mill St.
Athens, OH 45701 

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