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What's Happening at CLC this week: September 23, 2024. 


Monday, September 23rd      

5:00pm – AA (Fellowship Hall)

6:00pm – OA (Student House) 

Tuesday, September 24th

9:00am-1:00pm – Office Open

Wednesday, September 25th

9:00am-1:00pm – Office Open

5:30pm – Property Meeting (Fellowship Hall)

6:00pm – Evening Prayer ZOOM LINK

Thursday, September 26th

9:00am-1:00pm – Office Open

5:30pm – The Bridge Thursday Together (Fellowship Hall)

6:00pm – Life Together (Pleasant Hill Vineyards)

Friday, September 27th

Saturday, September 28th

9:00am – Blessing of the Animals (Side yard of Church)

Sunday, September 29th        

10:00am – Sunday Worship (Sanctuary)


Coming Up:

Crop walk – October 6 at 2:00pm (Community Center under solar panels) 



Need to reserve space for groups/meetings? Email the office at  
Need to make an appointment with Pastor Chad? 
Use this LINK