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Greetings all,

It is budget hearing week.  See below for current opportunities + the budget hearing details:

  • Budget Hearings are this Tuesday 5/17 at 6p.m. (click here to join Tuesday's Zoom) and this Thursday 5/19 at Noon (click here to join Thursday's Zoom).  The call in information will be sent THE DAY OF.  Please note, you will need to identify yourself if you call in. 
  • Current Highschool Students we are going ziplining with Hocking Hills Canopy Tours on Thursday, June 2nd.  Must arrive at the location by 9:30am for check-in and must RSVP (including payment of $38/person) by May 22.  This is non-refundable due to the zipline's policies.  Please note the church is covering half + we are receiving a local resident discount, so this is a substantially reduced rate for the 2-3hr X tour.  Questions? Contact Katie Beth at
  • Women's Retreat REGISTRATION OPEN:  The women's mini-retreat is set for Saturday, June 4 from 11am-1pm at Christ Lutheran in the fellowship hall.  Suggested donation of $10 to cover lunch, which will be provided. The theme is "Living a Life of Daily Bread."  Click here to sign up. Must register by noon Thursday, May 26.   
  • Ursel's Cards for Ukraine please do not forget that we have many lovely handmade cards featuring photos taken by Ursel Maier, former member and long time friend of CLC in our narthex.  There is a suggested donation of $4 a card, with 100% of all donations going directly to support relief efforts in Ukraine.  Check them out! Many are perfect for spring and summer holidays.  Last sale date is Sunday, May 22.  
  • STEWARDSHIP PACKETS have been mailed out.  Please return an estimated giving card EVEN IF you do not intend to pledge.  There is a box you can check if you intend to give but do not want to pledge a specific amount.  Even if you do not intend to give financially at all, please return the card--it is so helpful for our planning and is confidential with only our financial secretary (Wanda Weinberg) recording it.  We appreciate that folks give in a multitude of ways, not just finances.  The Time and Talent sign ups are a way to give of your time and abilities.  They are electronic only, and you can complete it by clicking here. Please contact a friend who is talented with computers if you need assistance filling out the online Time and Talent form.  The office can provide a list of names if you do not have ready access to such a person.   If you do not receive the stewardship package in the next few days and want one, please contact the office. Thank you for your generosity in supporting our shared ministry! 

What's Happening at CLC this week:

Monday, May 16
6pm AA - Fellowship Hall

Tuesday, May 17
6pm OA - Zoom
6pm Budget Hearing 1 - Zoom

Wednesday, May 18
7pm Wednesday Night Prayer - Zoom

Thursday, May 19
Newsletter Deadline
Noon Budget Hearing 2 - Zoom
5-7p.m. Regeneration - Fellowship Hall

Saturday, May 21
10am OA - Online

Sunday, May 22
Commitment Sunday - Please bring your estimated giving card, even if you do not intend to pledge a specified amount this year.  There is an option to check "give without pledging" or you can simply note, unable to give financially at all this coming year. 
10am Worship - Sanctuary 
11am Confirmation Class - Fellowship Hall