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What's Happening at CLC this week: May 27, 2024. 


 Monday, May 27th    

5:00pm – AA (Fellowship Hall)

6:00pm – OA (Student House) 

Tuesday, May 28th 

Wednesday, May 29th  

6:00pm – Wednesday Prayer* ZOOM LINK

Thursday, May 30th

10:00am  Coffee and Conversation with Pastor Chad at Donkey Coffee.

7:00pm – Speaker Prisca Nemapare (Fellowship Hall)

7:00pm – Equity & Justice ZOOM LINK

Friday, June 1st 

Saturday, June 2nd 

Sunday, June 3rd   

10:00am – Sunday Worship** (Sanctuary)

11:00am – Speaker Nick Bates (Fellowship Hall)


*This is the last Wednesday prayer meeting. It will resume August 7, 2024

** There will be no children’s church. It will resume in September.




Vacation Bible School: This will happen June 23-27 from 4-6pm. The theme this year is, “Wonder Stories: Jesus’ Miracles.”  Please register at


Thursday, May 30, 2024 @ 7:00pm (Fellowship Hall)

Prisca Nemapare, founder of the Zienzele Foundation, is returning to share what is happening with her foundation in Zimbabwe. For more information visit,



You are invited to join Christ Lutheran in walking in this year’s Athens Pride Parade to show love and support for our LGBTQ+ siblings in Christ! Candy and inclusive signs will be provided. The parade will be held Saturday, June 8th at 11am with line-up at Alden Library by 10:30am. Come join the fun! Email if you are interested in participating.



Jane Unger is needing someone to mow her lawn once every week or two. It should only take about a half hour, and she has a mower. Contact her directly or contact the office if you are willing to help.


Need to reserve space for groups/meetings? Email the office at  
Need to make an appointment with Pastor Chad? 
Use this LINK