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What's Happening at CLC this week: Seventh Week of Easter 5/13/24. 


Pentecost/Covenant Sunday Reminders:

  1. Bring back the Pledge cards & Time and Talent cards to put in the offering.
  2. Wear Red
  3. Bring a dish to share at the potluck after Worship.

 Monday, May 13th    

5:00pm – AA (Fellowship Hall)

6:00pm – OA (Student House)

(Contact Jane Unger for time) – Widows Group (Narthex) 

6:30pm – Walking Group (Meet in front of church)

Tuesday, May 14th 

Wednesday, May 15th  

6:00pm – Wednesday Prayer ZOOM LINK

Thursday, May 16th

10:00am  Coffee and Conversation with Pastor Chad at Donkey Coffee.

7:00pm – Earth Justice ZOOM LINK

Friday, May 17th 

Saturday, May 18th 

Sunday, May 19th   

10:00am – Pentecost Sunday Worship (Sanctuary)

11:00am – Covenant Sunday Luncheon (Fellowship Hall)

5:30pm – Youth Group (Fellowship Hall)





You are invited to join Christ Lutheran in walking in this year's Athens Pride Parade to show love and support for our LGBTQ+ siblings in Christ! Candy and inclusive signs will be provided. The parade will be held Saturday, June 8th at 11am with line-up at Alden Library by 10:30am. Come join the fun! Email if you are interested in participating.


Need to reserve space for groups/meetings? Email the office at  
Need to make an appointment with Pastor Chad? 
Use this LINK