What's Happening at CLC this week: February 17, 2025.
Monday, February 17th
5:00pm – AA (Fellowship Hall)
6:00pm – OA (Student House)
Tuesday, February 18th
9:00am-1:00pm – Office Open
7:00pm – Council Meeting ZOOM LINK
Wednesday, February 19th
9:00am-1:00pm – Office Open
6:00pm – Evening Prayer ZOOM LINK
7:00pm – Choir Practice (Sanctuary)
Thursday, February 20th
9:00am-1:00pm – Office Open
10:00am – Coffee and Conversation with Pastor Chad @ Donkey Coffee
5:30pm – Bridge Thursday Together (Fellowship Hall)
7:00pm – Earth Justice ZOOM LINK
Friday, February 21st
Saturday, February 22nd
1:00pm – Memorial Service for Mary Lee Powell (Sanctuary)
Sunday, February 23rd
10:00am – Sunday Worship (Sanctuary)
10:00am – Children's Church (Narthex)
11:00am – Equity and Justice Focus Group (Sanctuary)
2:30pm – Youth Group (Bird Arena)
Need to reserve space for groups/meetings? Email the office at info@clcathens.org
Need to make an appointment with Pastor Chad? Use this LINK
A Few Other Things:
Mary Lee Powell's Memorial Service
Saturday, February 22nd at 1pm
luncheon to follow
We are looking for folks to donate a salad or dessert for the luncheon. Please let Marilyn Shealy know what you're bringing.
Equity and Justice Focus Meeting
February 23
After Worship
There will be a Focus Meeting for Equity and Justice on February 23. CLC members are invited to enjoy Hospitality and then return to the sanctuary for a quick discussion after the service on February 23. The purpose of this discussion is to review the activities of the Equity and Justice Group and identify some priorities for Equity and Justice to address in the future to better meet the needs of the congregation.
Click to view: A summary of Equity and Justice accomplishments
Fundraiser for Global Refuge, formerly Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
During World War II, the National Lutheran Council provided assistance and services for refugees from Germany and Eastern Europe. In the decades since, Lutherans have been building on that work by expanding our reach and resources for people in search of new beginnings around the world.
The names have changed, first to Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, and last year to Global Refuge, but the work remains the same.
This assistance is designed to aid refugees’ integration and to foster economic self-sufficiency. It includes assistance with basic needs like housing, food, clothing and furnishings, as well as employment, language and school-enrollment services, enabling people to succeed in their new home.
On January 24th, Global Refuge received an order from the government that suspended funding of their work and called for them to immediately stop serving newly arrived refugees in their care.
We don't know if funding will be resumed. This site describes the process for determining admittance of refugees to the US. https://www.uscis.gov/humanitarian/refugees-and-asylum/usrap
Your gifts are the only way Global Refuge can continue their work and assure refugees in their care can access the essential resources promised to them. We know this is a generous congregation. Our target goal may increase as the month progresses.
Please use this link to donate:
You can also write a check to Christ Lutheran Church with Global Refuge in the memo line or give online through our church with tithly. (Please wait till after Tuesday)
This fundraiser will conclude on Pi Day at church. The Social Ministry committee is looking into obtaining a small grant from Thrivent as well. We will announce the total donations the following week.
Thank you so much for your generosity.
Social Ministry Committee
Celebrate Pi Day!
Early on Fat Sunday. It is the irrational thing to do!
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Join us after 10 am Worship for a Pie potluck.
Nutrition Counseling
About the program:
The program is free of charge to community members, students and staff. It serves as an opportunity for our senior level dietetics students to gain counseling experience while helping real clients achieve their health goals. The program includes three, 1-hour nutrition counseling sessions with an appointed student counselor under the direction of a registered dietitian (Jana Hovland). The appointments are client-centered, meaning the student counselor will plan the sessions based on your goals. You will keep 2, 3-day food logs during the course of the program which your counselor will analyze and share with you.
Spring semester counseling sessions will begin in mid-February and will be scheduled about 3-4 weeks apart.
Signing up:
Interesting in signing up? Please email (hovland@ohio.edu) or call (740-593-2875) Jana Hovland with your preferred contact information (email and phone number). Please also let Jana know your primary goal for the program (diabetes management or prevention, weight management, sports nutrition, general healthy eating, etc.)
Website: https://www.ohio.edu/chsp/food-nutrition/about/nutrition-counseling
Nutrition Treatment Program | Ohio University Assist clients in identifying behaviors to promote wellness and in making nutritional changes Provide senior level students an opportunity to apply their nutrition knowledge and skills in a one-on-one counseling session. Create a healthier Athens community by providing free nutrition counseling The ... |