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Sunday, June 23, 2024 – 5th Sunday after Pentecost

Don’t Forget! Congregational Meeting

Next Sunday the 30th,  after worship.

You can view and download…

  • The annual report
  • The proposed budget
  • The summary of the cottage meetings

HERE or go under the EVENTS tab.


Vacation Bible School starts Sunday at 4:00pm

You can still register after church or in person.


The bulletin may be accessed by clicking “Read More” below and looking under "downloads" at the bottom of the page.

Who, Then, Is This? Our Only Help.

As the disciples set out together in the boat with the sleeping Jesus, a great windstorm arose so that the boat became swamped. As we set out in mission together in the ship of Christ’s church, how many storms arise! The elements of chaos still seem to wreak havoc in our lives, communities, and in the church—and we become terrified. Though Christ is present the disciples and we ourselves begin to doubt his care and power: “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” His presence seems far too weak to help us, though it is exactly in this vulnerable weakness that Christ shows his almighty power. Jesus wakes at the disciples’ cries and rebukes the wind and waves—they are no match for his command. The terrifying calm that follows demonstrates his divine power over all the chaos that continually threatens us. And we find ourselves awe-struck before the living God who has met us in our weakness and yet overcome it. The Christ who sleeps in the boat is the same Christ who hangs on the cross, seemingly helpless. Yet the helpless one is none other than the all-powerful Lord God. “Who then is this?” but the Lord of all! The God who in the beginning brought order to the chaotic face of the deep now in Christ brings peace as we face the storm. So why are we afraid? Have we still no faith in this helpless Lord who is our only help?


How to watch via livestream or on demand:

Join us Sunday mornings at 10am as we broadcast live directly on our website: If you don’t hear audio, make sure that it is not muted.) 
Sign into the chat and participate with others who are watching. 

If you miss the livestream or want to watch something again, you can find the video on our YouTube channel: and our Facebook page:

Thank you for your partnership and your generosity.  Please know that your financial support for the ministry of Christ Lutheran is greatly appreciated. Consider giving in one of the following ways:

  • Mail your Sunday offerings to: Christ Lutheran Church, Attn Wanda Weinberg, 69 Mill St., Athens, OH 45701
  • Donate on our website, click on "Give" on the top right and follow the prompts.