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Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church (CELC) of Athens is pleased to announce another round of the CELC Impact Fund grants. In 2015, our congregation prayerfully embarked on an effort to enact positive change by replacing two rental houses on Mill Street with new apartments. The net profit from the apartments is used to assist people in need. The goal of the Impact Fund is to extend the Christian mission of the congregation into the world. The funds are allocated locally, regionally, and globally.

We recognize the inequality and suffering in our community and established the Fund to support programs and services that assist those in need and help raise people out of poverty or crisis. Since 2018, a total of $271,703 has been awarded to Community Food Initiatives, Good Works, The Gathering Place, Habitat for Humanity of SE Ohio, Athens Area Mediation Services, Women 4 Recovery’s Serenity House, ACEnet, Tri-County Career Center, Alexander Inclusive Playground, Tomcat Bridgebuilders, United Campus Ministry, and the ELCA’s Global Missions.

We anticipate having about $50,000 to grant in this cycle. Examples of proposals could include programs that address basic human needs: i.e. food and housing insecurity, programs such as campus ministries, recovery programs, educational and vocational support, health and environmental concerns, and those that meet emerging needs and opportunities. Priority will be given to new programs that will expand the organization’s capacity to help the community and that can be sustained past the grant’s timeframe.

To be eligible for a grant, a nonprofit organization must first submit a Letter of Intent describing the proposed project. From these letters, the CELC Impact Giving Committee will select several to move to the next step of completing formal grant applications. The Letters of Intent are due by April 18, 2025. If invited to apply, the full application will be due June 9, 2025, and the decisions will be announced in July 2025. The length of the letter of intent should be no more than two pages, in 11-point font. Please send it to or as postal mail to 69 Mill St., Athens, OH, 45701. Address these questions and areas in your letter:

  1. What is the name and mission of your organization?
  2. Who do you serve and how do you accomplish your goals?
  3. Briefly summarize your previous work in Athens County and/or the region.
  4. What new or expanded project are you proposing and why is it needed?
  5. How will this project build your capacity to meet the needs being addressed beyond the project period?
  6. What level of funding will be requested? If there are ongoing costs, how will you meet these future needs to sustain the project?
  7. Provide contact information.

Thank you for the important work you do, and your interest in applying for this funding. We are excited that we are able to make grants that impact our community.

Chris Snoddy, CELC Impact Giving Committee