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The Bridge – Fall 2024, Week 7

REMINDER: We have moved our regular weekly gathering to Thursdays from 5:30-7PM at least for the semester.

Join us this THURSDAY the 10th downstairs at the church for dinner. We will be hosted by the Theology on Tap group for a baked potato bar! Come enjoy good food and good conversation.

Worship Sunday at 10AM.

The rich man who comes to ask Jesus what he should do to inherit eternal life is a good man, sincere in his asking. Mark’s gospel is alone in saying that Jesus looked on him and loved him. Out of love, not as judgment, Jesus offers him an open door to life: sell all you own and give it to the poor. Our culture bombards us with the message that we will find life by consuming. Our assemblies counter this message with the invitation to find life by divesting for the sake of the other. What do you think? 

The student peer position is vacant. If you are interested in learning more contact me!

Got Questions? Email me at Hope to see you soon!

Don’t forget… Pastor Chad is always happy to treat for coffee or lunch, or just to meet for a chat about what is on your mind.  You can schedule a meeting here.

+Pr. Chad