Hello Friends!

What we have happening this week:

1) Wednesday Together this week is pizza and games.  See you at 5:30!


2) Sunday Worship 10am Sunday, January 29th. It’s the fourth Sunday after Epiphany.  The Gospel lesson is Jesus teaching on the mountain top. We will hear Matthew’s version of the Beatitudes.


3) We will have brunch after worship on February 5th.


4) Join our GroupMe: The Bridge 


5) We are working on dates for a retreat to camp.  Do you have other ideas for special activities this semester?


Got Questions? Email us at thebridge@ohio.edu.  Looking forward to seeing your faces! 


Pastor Chad is always happy to treat for coffee or lunch, or just to meet for a chat about what is on your mind.  You can schedule a meeting here.


+Pr. Chad, Catie, and Daisy the Dog