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Hello Friends!

What we have happening this week:

1) Dr. Monica Lowe from Trinity Seminary at Capital University will be joining us for Wednesday Together this week.  Come join us for pizza and learn about Trinity. Wednesday Together starts at 5:30.


2) In Lent there is worship each week at 7PM.  We will be singing Holden Evening Prayer with a short reflection on Jonah.  The service lasts 30-35 minutes.  The Bridge will be leading Holden evening prayer on March 22! If you can’t come in person and want to watch online go to the church website:


3) Sunday Worship 10am March 12th. It is the third Sunday in lent. This week’s gospel lesson is Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well.


4) The “Jesus Camp” watch party has been rescheduled for Saturday the 25th at 6PM at Pastor Chad and Cheryl’s home.   RSVP to Catie so we can coordinate rides.


5) Join our GroupMe: The Bridge 


6) We are working on dates for a one-day retreat. Do you have other ideas for special activities this semester?


Got Questions? Email us at  Looking forward to seeing your faces! 


Pastor Chad is always happy to treat for coffee or lunch, or just to meet for a chat about what is on your mind.  You can schedule a meeting here.


+Pr. Chad, Catie, and Daisy the Dog