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Welcome to Week Nine!

What we have happening:

  • Join us for Wednesday. Together. at 5:30. This week wear your Halloween costume and come ready for pizza, candy, and games! Please RSVP to Catie (440-985-8231) before noon on Wednesday so we can have enough food. Pastor Connie Mentzer from the Southern Ohio Synod will be joining us. 
  • Sunday worship October 29th at 10AM. It is Reformation Sunday.  Wear red and come remember when Martin Luther vandalized a church door!
  • Keep an eye out for the BIG PURPLE COUCH in front of Baker Center or on College Green. Come hang out and meet some people.
  • Join our GroupMe: The Bridge


Got Questions? Email us at Looking forward to seeing your faces! 


Pastor Chad is always happy to treat for coffee or lunch, or just to meet for a chat about what is on your mind.  You can schedule a meeting here.


+Pr. Chad, Catie, and Daisy & Libby the Dogs