Hey Gang!
What we have happening this week:
1) Wednesday Together 5:30 pm Wed. September 7 in the fellowship hall of the church (Enter through the back doors facing Seigfried Hall). 
  • We will be eating chili for supper. 
  • All are welcome! Invite your roommates and friends to join us. 
  • We will be playing some games and talking about "vocation."
2) Service Opportunity Thursday 10:30am - 12:30pm.  LSS Mobile Food Pantry at The Plains United Methodist Church. Come volunteer at the food pantry.  Contact Pastor Chad if you would like a ride.
3) Sunday Worship 10am Sun. Sep 11th
  • This is "God's Work, Our Hands" Sunday across the whole ELCA.  After worship we will be packing community care bags in the fellowship hall.  You are invited to come downstairs and lend a hand.
4) Save the Dates
  • Wednesday Nights at 5:30pm for food, fellowship, and study or fun activities
    • I've learned we have several students with conflicts on Wednesday.... Would the group be interested in meeting on Sunday evenings?
  • Sunday Worship at 10am at Christ Lutheran (69 Mill Street)
  • Sunday Brunch after worship the first Sunday of each month
  • Possible semester activities we will discuss:
    • Retreat at Lutheran Memorial Camp 
    • Moonlight Canoeing 
    • Apple Butter making at Lutheran Memorial Camp 
    • Camp Fire at CLC member's house in the woods
    • Cookout at Pastor Chad's
Got Questions? Email us at thebridge@ohio.edu.  Looking forward to seeing your faces! 
Pastor Chad is always happy to treat for coffee or lunch, or just to meet for a chat about what is on your mind.  You can schedule a meeting here.
+Pr. Chad, Catie, and Daisy the Dog