What's happening this week?
*SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, April 24th is Godspeed Sunday for all graduating students.
Please let Pr. Chad know if you plan to attend Godspeed.
Breakfast Giveaway: 8am to Noon on Wednesday, April 13th
- For those setting up, tabling, and cleaning up - thank you! George's home is located next almost next to Baker Center. If you need his address, please message Pr. Chad via the group snapchat.
- There should be enough space to park two cars there, with one blocking the other in. Please be sure to coordinate parking with Pr. Chad so there are not too many cars at once.
- If you have questions on your timeslot, please also ask Pr. Chad via the group snapchat.
- Need to be added to the group snap? Email Pr. Chad at chad@clcathens.org.
Bridge: 5:30pm, this Wed. Apr 13 in the Fellowship Hall
- Last week, we had to flex and switch tops to relationships and boundaries as our Power/Gama speaker backed out. This week we will be focusing our discussion on BDSM. We will have dinner at church including some discussion, and then head up to campus where Power/Gama, the health related student org at OU, will have a booth related to this and other sexual health topics. This is the final session of our Spring Sexuality and Sexual Ethics series.
- We will be ordering from Firdous Express. Please keep your order under $11 and let Rinnah know what you want by noon on Wednesday (513-604-3061).
Worship Services this Week:
- Thursday, April 14th at 7pm - Maundy Thursday Service In person in the sanctuary and online.
- Friday, April 15th at 7pm - Good Friday Service In person in the sanctuary and online.
- Sunday April 17th at 7am and 10am - Easter worship in person in the sanctuary and online. The 7am is a sunrise service patterned loosely after Easter Vigil and 10am is the more traditional.
Save the Dates:
- Wednesday April 20th 5:30pm Wednesday Night Dinner and discussion at the Kuhres on Strange Rites: New Religions for a Godless World. It looks out how those who are "spiritual but not religious" or see themselves as "nones" practice spirituality, with or without naming it as such.
- Sunday April 24th 10am Godspeed service for Graduating students. We hope you can attend. Please let Pr. Chad know if you plan to do so!
- Wednesday April 27th 5:30pm Game night/final Bridge of the semester
Pr. Chad is always happy to meet with you one on one for coffee or a virtual visit. Simply click "request appointment" on the church website to schedule a time with him: https://www.clcathens.org/
-Pr. Chad