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Hello Friends!

We are ordering Firdous Express (Mediterranean) for dinner this Wednesday. Please text your order to Catie by noon Wednesday at: (440) 985-8231. You can find their menu online. Please keep your order ~$10. 

What we have happening this week:

1) Wednesday Together 5:30 pm Wed. September 28 in the fellowship hall of the church (Enter through the back doors facing Seigfried Hall). 

  • Firdous for Dinner. See instructions above. See menu HERE
  • All are welcome! Invite your roommates and friends to join us. 


2) Fun activities Saturday!

  • Saturday, October 1st Blessing of the Animals at 10:30AM at CLC. Bring your pets or come meet other's pets as we bless them in honor of St. Francis Day. (Takes place in the side yard of the church.)
  • Also on October 1st from 5 to 7PM there will be a pumpkin carving, food, music, and fellowship event at Sue Ellen and Marilyn's property. Let Catie or I know if you can go and we will coordinate rides.


3) Sunday Worship 10am Sun. Oct 3rd. BRUNCH this week!  We will head up to El Tenampa on Court St. 


4) CROP Walk this Sunday.  Meet at Athens Rec Center at 1:30.


5) Join our GroupMe: The Bridge 


6) Save the Dates

  • Wednesday Nights at 5:30pm for food, fellowship, and study or fun activities
  • Sunday Worship at 10am at Christ Lutheran (69 Mill Street)
  • Sunday Brunch after worship the first Sunday of each month. Join us next on October 2nd.
  • We are registered to participate in the Homecoming Parade October 8th!
  • Cookout at Pastor Chad's on Sunday evening October 16th. Again, let Catie or I know if you can come and we will coordinate rides.  There will be an RSVP the week before so we can plan food.


Got Questions? Email us at  Looking forward to seeing your faces! 


Pastor Chad is always happy to treat for coffee or lunch, or just to meet for a chat about what is on your mind.  You can schedule a meeting here.


+Pr. Chad, Catie, and Daisy the Dog