You are welcome here! Our worshiping congregation each week includes a wide range of young families, established members, visitors, lifelong Lutherans, transplants from other denominations and backgrounds, people who love to sing, people who hate to sing, people with varying physical abilities, people who dress up, people who wear casual clothes…whoever you are, there is a place for you. You “fit in” simply by being YOU!
YES! Christ Lutheran Church is a Reconciling in Christ congregation, which means that we commit to being an open, affirming, welcoming, safe space for all who enter our doors. You are a beloved child of God, and you have gifts to share in this place.
Nope. The communion table is not Christ Lutheran Church’s table, nor is it the ELCA’s table. It is Christ’s table, and he invites all who believe to join in the meal. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to talk to our pastor.
Pastor Chad is always happy to talk to you! He can help you out or point you in the right direction. Email him, Schedule a meeting, or call the church office (740-593-3144).